The information is contained in a joint press release from the FCI (Factors Chain International) and the African Import / Export Bank (Afreximbank), made public on January 4, 2021. Cameroonian Nassourou Aminou has just been appointed Head or the ‘Africa Global Factoring Network. The information was made public on January 4, via a joint press release from Factors Chain International (FCI) and the African Import / Export Bank (Afreximbank).
This international network “specializes in factoring (financial operation or technique which consists, within the framework of a contract, of the assignment of invoices or receivables). futures of a company (supplier) to a bank or a specialized organization called a factor) ”

Our colleague specifies that until his appointment, Nassourou Aminou was based in Douala. He served as a factoring consultant. “He has extensive experience in credit insurance and IT support for factoring and receivables financing,” we read.
Holder of a master’s degree in accounting and finance from the Catholic University of Central Africa in Yaoundé, “he worked for the development and implementation of factoring in West and Central Africa, where during these last ten years, it launched the activity with ten commercial banks ”, notes the reporter.
For Kanayo Awani, Managing Director of Afreximbank’s Intra-African Trade Initiative and President of the FCI African Pool, “Mr. Aminou will help in capacity building and personalized training to support emerging factors, regulators, legislators and other stakeholders ”, it reads.
As for the person concerned, “I measure the task which is now mine and past the euphoria of the appointment, I am already preparing a roadmap that will allow me to work with the banks of the continent to bring them to adopt factoring. “, he declared.