he regional meetings ended on July 19, across the national territory. The meetings aimed, among other things, at the effectiveness of the interventions carried out on the national road network with an emphasis on the coherence between the actions to be carried out during the year 2025, the needs identified, the priority axes and the budgetary programming. At the time of the evaluation, several points are to be noted.
Emmanuel Ngannou Djoumessi Minister of Public Works , chaired the restitution ceremony of these meetings on August 8, 2024. The results show approximately 29,000 km of roads to be rehabilitated in 2025. The overall cost of the work is estimated at 760 billion FCFA.

As of July 15, 2024, Cameroon recorded 11.17% of asphalted roads in good condition, 17.76% in average condition and 71.07% in disrepair. This last result is an increase compared to the last percentage of 69.28%.
The regional meetings made it possible to assess the performance of the interventions carried out across the entire regional road network and to identify the routes likely to be the subject of intervention in 2025.
At the opening of the works in the Centre region , there was already an announcement of underperformance in the execution of projects managed by certain heads of executives, according to Simon Ghislain Estil, representative of the Governor. All things that are attributed, among other things, to the delay in awarding contracts, there is application of the sustainable maintenance strategy note for earth roads in the execution of certain projects, the absence of appropriate human resources in certain projects, the failure to respect deadlines in the execution of projects, the systematic reporting of information on the progress of projects.
A poor performance recorded despite the funding made available via the Bip MinTp, the road fund and the allocated credits. On this last aspect, the municipalities claim to receive funds, but not enough to cover all needs.
As a recommendation during the restitution, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi requested a reference network for the regions, in particular three of them: North, South and West. This should trace the current state of the road network.