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The Vision of Macky Sall: Bridging the Global Divide for Sustainable Development

In the picturesque setting of Aix-en-Provence, amidst the buzz of economic discourse, former Senegalese President Macky Sall offers a compelling vision for the future. His insights delve into the pressing issues of development, climate change, and migration, painting a picture of a world where dialogue and equity are the keystones of progress.

President Macky Sall emphasizes the critical nature of North-South dialogue, especially in the era of climate transition. He points out the systemic exclusion of the global South by institutions influenced by Western interests, highlighting the need for inclusive decision-making that addresses the challenges of globalization and development financing.

Championing President Macron’s initiative for a new global financial pact, President Macky Sall calls for solidarity in development and equitable access to capital markets. He criticizes the current state of sovereign ratings, advocating for reforms that would prevent developing countries from being unjustly penalized.

Addressing the ecological transition, President Macky Sall argues against the notion that countries must choose between development and environmental stewardship. He advocates for a global consensus on financing green infrastructure, criticizing the COP Glasgow decision as unfairly biased against the global South.

The 4P platform, as explained by President Macky Sall, is more than just a forum for dialogue. It’s a beacon for transcending traditional organizational challenges and geopolitical conflicts. By fostering reform, encouraging private sector involvement, and advocating for blended finance, the 4P aims to pave the way for harmonious development.

President Macky Sall also sheds light on African demographics, noting the continent’s youthful population and its expected growth. He calls for a realistic perspective on African migration, which is predominantly intracontinental, and urges a balanced debate on the subject.

In his concluding thoughts, President Macky Sall envisions a just world as the cornerstone of Africa’s prosperity. He remains optimistic about the continent’s progress, despite its slow pace, and underscores the global significance of Africa’s development.

This dialogue with President Macky Sall underscores the necessity of a balanced world and the unwavering commitment of an African leader to sustainable development and global equity.

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