$ 82,249

CEMAC Zone: BEAC regulates money issues to minimize inflationary trends

Following the course of operations of the bank of banks since the onset of the global health crisis, which has had a real impact on the economy and the post-crisis period, it is obvious that the Beac is working hard to curb inflation.

The bank alternates between taking back and reinjecting liquidity, which allows it to apply monetary practices within the CEMAC zone, without which there would be a real fluctuation in the monetary value in the zone. So, this process not only consists of relieving banking institutions with excess liquidity, but also, according to Beac, it allows “to influence the conditions of exchange of liquidity between credit institutions, but also to increase tenfold the possibilities of financing the economies of the Cemac.

In fact, it injects liquidity ranging from 200 to 250 billion in CEMAC zone banks in a timely manner. But it also makes withdrawals, as noted above. Thus, in the space of two months, it has withdrawn 165 billion, even though the withdrawals previously planned were estimated at 450 billion. Indeed, the Beac is still adjusting to the post-crisis period.

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