Cameroon’s Finance Minister, Louis Paul Motaze has set the term for the application of a measure to reduce custom tarrif by 5% for imported vehicles intended for public transport. The Cameroonian government decided to introduce a reduced customs tariff of 5% on imports of vehicles intended for transport by taxis and buses.
The Government move falls within the framework of a “special program of rejuvenation of the means of public transport, as a prelude to the organization of the African Nations Championship of 2020 (postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic) and the African Cup of Nations in 2021.”
Concerned by this tax relief measure are vehicles with a displacement of less than 1600 cm3, of which “the bodywork provides at least four side doors”, as well as buses “covered by a license affecting them exclusively to urban transport of people. “
These vehicles can be purchased by both natural and legal persons with a transport license or any other related document. Vehicles are purchased exclusively from locally authorized dealers with a “bonded warehouse”.
“The sale of customs-cleared vehicles at the aforementioned reduced rate to people who do not have a transport license or any other regulatory document in lieu thereof exposes the concessionaire concerned to the penalties provided for by the CEMAC customs code for the diversion of preferred destination, without prejudice to the reminder of duties and taxes evaded,” the note from the Minister of Finance said.