The Chad-Cameroon Pipeline has achieved significant oil flows which have brought “subsidies into the state coffers. In terms of transit rights, $ 27.48 million, or CFAF 15.7 billion, was paid to the public treasury by the Cameroon Oil Transportation Company (COTCO) ”.
The information was provided by the Pipeline Steering and Monitoring Committee (CPSP), in its issue 53 of June 2020.
According to this committee, performance is up “by 1.24 million dollars (more than 710 million FCFA) compared to the same period in 2019 when Cameroon collected 26.24 million dollars (15.02 billion of FCFA) ”.
An increase that the Director General of the National Hydrocarbons Company (SNH), Adolphe Moudiki explains “by the increase in the quantities of crude removed at the Komé-Kribi1 terminal. This is only the result of the increase in Chad in the production of new shippers.”
During this first part of 2020, “20.80 million barrels of crude oil passed through the Chad-Cameroon pipeline. During the same period last year, 19.86 million barrels were transported, ” the statement from the CPSP read.
The community of new crude oil shippers, through this pipeline, has registered the arrival of a new member. It is “the Taiwanese company Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) which started its crude shipments on March 12, 2020 with a flow rate of 40m3 / hour equivalent to 6,000 barrels per day.
It therefore joins PetroChad Mangara / Glencore and China National Petroleum Company Inc. Chad. A trio which currently represents 72% of the total volume of crude oil transported in the 1070 km of the pipeline.