In comparison to the year 2019 at this same period, the port place which covers only the Customs Sector South II held up the dragee. of the year 2020, customs revenue amounting to CFAF 8 billion.
This despite a very difficult economic context, marked by the global health crisis with the Coronavirus pandemic. The port area of Kribi alone covers the South Customs II Sector, and generates nearly one billion FCFA in revenue every month.
Compared to the third quarter of 2019, these figures are up, and meet the objectives assigned to this customs sector, for the benefit of the Cameroonian public treasury.

“Comparisons between these two periods show an increase of 57.8% on onshore and offshore calls. Precisely, at the end of the 3rd quarter of 2019, the Port of Kribi had recorded 76 stopovers against 120 stopovers on behalf of the 3rd quarter of 2020 ”, says Philomène Nzameyo, in charge of for statistics at PAK.
Also the good increase in stopovers on the various terminals is one of the factors of this good performance, as is the Kribi Conteneurs Terminal (KCT) which recorded in September 2020, its best performance since the launch of its activities in March 2018. “The container terminal recorded an increase of 23%, or 59 stopovers in 2020 against 48 stopovers in 2019. The multipurpose terminal for its part achieved an exceptional increase of 457%, or 39 stopovers in 2020 against only 7 stopovers in 2019, explained in partly because this terminal served as a base for ships operating on oil and gas platforms, ”adds Philomène Nzameyo.
We also note an improvement in the average duration of operations at the Container Terminal, estimated at 25 hours per stopover, just as the average handling rate is now 24 movements per hour.