In recent years, the Cameroonian government has financed the construction of several infrastructures intended to improve the supply of electrical energy throughout the national territory. Hydroelectric dams, power stations etc. Unfortunately all these investments, some of which are in progress and others completed, have not improved the energy supply.
Most of the big Cameroonian cities are still subject to untimely power cuts. For example, on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, several neighborhoods in the city of Yaoundé were plunged into darkness throughout the day for unknown reasons.

At ENEO-Cameroon, the operator of the electricity service in Cameroon, we are aware of this situation. Eric Mansuy, the managing director of this parastatal company, announced that colossal sums will be invested this year to gradually remedy it.
“We need 500 billion FCFA to develop the electricity sector in Cameroon. With the 100 billion FCFA that we have raised we will start with the most urgent. What will be visible to Cameroonians is the replacement of wooden posts by a mix of concrete and metal posts. It’s already visible along the roads. We started with Douala and Yaoundé and the big cities, it will also continue in the bush where sometimes defective poles will be replaced by concrete poles made in Cameroon since we are opening a Cameroonian concrete pole industry.
The second ambition that will be visible to households is the development of prepayment meters. We have installed 50,000 in 2020, we want to install 200,000 next year. These are meters that allow customers to better control, to better control their electricity consumption, “he said on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 8:30 p.m. from CRTV.
However, these optimistic projections will not have a great impact on the problem of power cuts, which will continue despite everything. At least until ENEO strengthens the quality of its distribution network
“Cameroon’s problem is not a production problem. The problem in Cameroon is a problem of the quality of the network, of the quality of customer service. For Cameroonians, the big change is going to be the way ENEO takes care of its customers, ”he added.