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Cameroon’s inflation rate rising in the first quarter of 2020

A study by the National Institute of Statistics reveals the prices of consumer products increased by 0.5% compared to the 4th quarter of 2019

Compared to the first quarter of 2019, the general price level in Cameroon has increased by 2.6% during the same period in 2020. All the major cities are affected, but the largest increases are observed in the regions hit by the Separatist conflict. Bamenda (4 , 3%), Buea (3.8%) and Bafoussam (3.0%). The other cities recorded a lower increase at the national level. These are Douala (2.4%), followed by Yaoundé (2.3%), Garoua (2.1%), Ngaoundéré (2.1%), Bertoua (1.8%), Ebolowa (1 , 8%) and Maroua (1.7%). According to the National Institute of Statistics (Ins), which revealed these data, this increase is largely due to “higher food and non-alcoholic beverages (3.1%), restaurants and hotels (5 , 4%), as well as articles of clothing and shoes (2.8%) ”reveals a study by the Institute.

Food products experiencing inflation are fruits (+ 8.9%), vegetables (+ 7.9%), meats (+ 4.8%), bread and cereals (+ 1.5%) . Added to this are fish, seafood, milks, cheeses and eggs, the prices of which increased by 0.4% in the first quarter of 2020. Conversely, there is a drop in the prices of oils and fats ( -1.4%), and those of frozen fish and other seafood products (-1.1%).

If according to INS the health crisis linked to COVID-19 did not have a significant impact on the general level of prices during this period, the institute nonetheless notes that the end of March was marked by soaring costs. This was caused by the “panic-buying” phenomenon that occurred after the first restrictive measures against Covid-19 were taken on March 17, 2020. As a result of the races, some crooked traders were increasing the prices of certain foodstuffs and basic necessities.

A dynamic that was stopped dead by the deployment of the teams of the Ministry of Commerce “the intense campaigns carried out by the Ministry of Commerce, on the markets to unmask the speculators who store the products in order to create a shortage have allowed to limit the soaring prices ” In addition, the aforementioned ministry through the Mission of Regulation and Supply of mass consumption products MIRAP, increased the frequency of the periodic markets on the whole of the national territory in order to help the housewives to get their supplies from lower cost. However, the possible impact of the health crisis on prices will only really be felt from April this year.

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