$ 81,412

Cameroon begins negotiation for exploration of Iron Ore in Ngovayang, Ntem, Djoum III

Cameroon has significant mineral resources that are very little exploited. This is the case, for example, of the iron ore deposits of Ngovayang, Ntem and Djoum III in the South region and the gold deposits of Bibemi in the North region. The government is now determined to exploit these various deposits. On September 19, 2024 in Ebolowa, Fuh Calistus Gentry , Acting Minister of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, initiated negotiations for 4 mining agreements between the State of Cameroon and the companies Camina SA, Caminex SA, and Oriole Cameroon 2 Sarl.

These companies, we learn, have in fact carried out research work which “resulted in the identification of exploitable mineral reserves”. They are now considering the industrial exploitation of the aforementioned deposits. This is why they have submitted to the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development applications for exploitation permits accompanied by feasibility studies.  

“The work that began yesterday will be done in several stages, namely the internal consultation between our ministry and Sonamines which will, among other things, allow the development of the State’s counter-proposal to be transmitted to these mining companies. After this stage, the managers of the Ministry of Mines and SONAMINE will examine the observations of the said companies on the counter-proposals formulated by the State and will develop draft consensual agreements between the State and the companies concerned,” explains Fuh Calistus Gentry

He specifies that after these two stages, “the prior consent of local populations will follow in order to develop draft consensual mining agreements which will be the subject of consultations extended to sectoral administrations.”

Fuh Calistus Gentry made it clear yesterday in Ebolowa that these negotiations will not take too long without indicating a specific deadline for the end of the negotiations. He also presented the expected economic benefits of the exploitation of the iron deposits of Ngovayang, Ntem and Djoum III. Among others: the development of Infrastructure , the reduction of unemployment through the creation of direct and indirect jobs, the contribution to the broadening of the tax base, the increase in the purchasing power of local communities, etc. The exploitation of these deposits will allow Cameroonians to acquire mining experience.  

It should be noted that Cameroon has significant deposits of iron ore, bauxite, diamonds, limestone, rutile and nickel cobalt which, if well managed, could contribute to the country’s economic growth.

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