A seminar-workshop on the new state budget nomenclature has been held since February 8, 2021 in Yaoundé. The meeting, which ended on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, is organized for officials charged with the preparation and execution of the budget within the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Development. of the Territory (MINEPAT).
Cameroon has initiated a vast reform process of its public finance management system. “This desire took shape with the adoption of the 2007 law on the state’s financial regime. And was accentuated by the promulgation, in July 2018, of two laws relating respectively to the Code of Transparency and Good Governance in the Management of Public Finances in Cameroon on the one hand and the Financial Regime of the State and other public entities on the other hand.

These texts were supplemented by others such as that of September 2009 on the budget nomenclature of the State. This last decree includes many innovations which need to be clarified in order to guarantee its harmonious and efficient implementation by the main players in the chain of public investment expenditure.”
According to the explanations of Guy Raymond Nkou, the Deputy Director in charge of the preparation of the public investment budget at MINEPAT, “it is a question for all the various actors concerned by the evolutions of this new nomenclature, to appropriate these evolutions. and the various changes that are being made. It must be said that this new nomenclature will solve the problems that we encountered in the context of budget preparation and the codification of expenditure. So in reality with this nomenclature, we will be able to precisely know what the state budget has funded in terms of economic function. And also to have real results in terms of analyzes of public spending, “
These two days working session focused on: “the conceptual framework of the new budget nomenclature; the structure and components of the revenue nomenclature; the structure and components of the administrative and programmatic classification and practical cases; the structure and components of the economic functional classification and practical case; the perspective of structuring and codification of the additional nomenclature ”