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SNH gives positive balance sheet of 40-year existence

The National Hydrocarbons Company (SNH) takes stock 40 years after its creation. The balance sheet of this company created in 1980 occupies nine pages in the “SNH Infos” issue for the month of July 2020.

Reading this focus: “A quick retrospective legitimately suggests that the results are positive. Cameroonian oil and gas are developed in the best national interests and significantly participate in the development of the country. By way of illustration, transfers to the State have peaked at nearly 7,400 billion FCFA over the past 15 years ”, indicates the Managing Director, Adolphe Moudiki, in the journal of his structure.

According to Adolphe Moudiki, during the 40 years of its existence, the structure which he directs today has also contributed to numerous projects: “SNH has successfully led innovative projects of international scope, in particular for the establishment of the Chad / Cameroon pipeline, or even, for the commissioning of the world’s first floating natural gas liquefaction plant, resulting from the conversion of an LNG carrier ”.

SNH has a portfolio of no less than 12 structures in which it has shares. These results of SNH are the fruit of the various Managers it has known. They are three in total, but Adolphe Moudiki is its current General Manager. He has been in office since 1993. “SNH Infos”, taken up by Cameroon Tribune, presents him as “a deeply human workaholic”.

This magazine also presents the activities that the structure has been carrying out since the beginning of this year 2020. It is about “the holding of the steering and monitoring committee of the pipelines, the reception of new members of the management board, the presentation of new software. to improve the monitoring of activities, the celebration of deserving personnel.”

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