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Cameroon to raise 335 billion FCFA from Treasury Bonds between April and June 2020

The various operations for the issue of public securities, planned on the BEAC market, relate to an overall envelope of 335 billion FCFA.

“The 2nd quarter of 2020 of the Cameroonian Treasury on the money market will be mainly devoted to the search for long-term financing (225 billion FCFA in all), through issues of Assimilable Treasury bonds (OTA) aimed at carrying out projects investment.”

According to the provisional calendar, “in addition to the OTA issues of April 8, 15, 29 and May 6, 2020, which raised CFAF 166.7 billion in total, the Cameroonian government will carry out two new operations on May 27, 2020 », One can read.

Through these new OTA issues, the government wants to mobilize “CFAF 60 billion to complete its program aimed at mobilizing CFAF 220 billion”.

The operations of May 27, 2020, “will allow on the one hand, to make a contribution (the extension of the subscriptions) of the issue of OTA of April 8, 2020 with a maturity of 5 years and remunerated at 5.7% . The objective here is to raise an envelope of 30 billion FCFA. On the other hand, the Cameroonian Treasury will issue, on the same day, OTAs for 30 billion FCFA (instead of the 25 billion FCFA initially planned), at 7 years of maturity for an interest rate of 6.5%,” we learnt.

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